SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURESMany thanks to all of the members who attended the 2014 Xmas party at the Trotting Club recently. It was fantastic to see so many people there enjoying themselves, especially the new faces who have come on board this year. Unfortunately the weather was unkind…way too hot, but as they say up these parts, good drinking weather, so all was not lost. Thanks to Jim for keeping all well watered.

Congrats to Bernie from the Cricket Club Hotel and life member Isabel Roberts who  took home the cash prizes drawn on the night – great to have the winners in attendance to collect.

Also thanks to President John who orchestrated the cooking for the throngs with his sidekick Doug – no complaints there! Nor with committee members Janice and Di who organised the kitchen. Thanks ladies.

It was a great way to finish the year and we look forward to more social events in the New Year. Merry Christmas to all.SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURESSAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURES


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